A special request from Frau Boggs....these flapjacks make a great snack or a quick breakfast on-the-go and last for over a week if you keep them in a sealed container. Again, you can add whatever fruit you like, here it's prunes sultanas and apricots :)
This recipe is taken from Hamyln's ' The Student Cookbook'
Ingredients: 75g (3oz) ready-to-eat dried prunes
75g(30z) ready-to-eat dried apricots
100g (3.5 oz) butter (plus extra for greasing)
100g (3.5 oz) sugar
5 tablespoons honey
375g (12 oz) porridge oats
75 g (3 oz) raisins or sultanas
2 eggs
1. Grease a 28 x 23cm (11 x 9 inch) shallow baking tin, or similar. Heat the oven to 180 degrees C (350 F), Gas Mark 4.
2. Chop the prunes and apricots into small pieces.
3. Melt the butter, sugar and honey in a saucepan. Take off the heat and mix in the oats, prunes and apricots and raisins or sultanas. Leave to cool for 5-10 minues then beat the eggs.
4. Pour the mixture into the tin and level out. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes until pale golden, but still soft. Leave in the tin until cool, then chop up and put on a plate until cold and crunchy.
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