Sonntag, 31. Oktober 2010

Cailín sa chistin...arís !

First's been 4 years since I've really blogged. This blog is about my culinary adventures ...Cailín sa chistin is simply the Irish for Girl In The Kitchen. Last year I boarded at the secondary school where I was teaching. We were spoilt rotten and had all our meals made for us...and as delicious as the food was I really missed cooking and baking...So, as soon as I moved into my new aparment here in Leipzig, Germany I set up camp in the kitchen. For the first month or so I wasn't working full time so I baked and cooked for friends and flatmates. Now that I'm teaching full time again it's become more of a weekend thing. Still I thought I'd share my collected recipes with you for the craic :D Some from family,friends,other websites and cookbooks. Bon appetit ! Róisín x

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